PACE Rights Management assists music Rightsholders (writers and publishers) to take control of their live rights.


Rightsholders (writers and publishers) are suffering huge deductions in their Live Public Performance Rights income, long delays in receiving it, and a lack of transparency when the reduced amount finally arrives. Rightsholders are experiencing opacity, unfavourable conditions and potential errors (both deliberate and innocent) at every step of the Performing Rights Organisation (PRO) Network process:

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Do you want to receive more money, quicker and more transparently?

In the live context, 'Direct Licencing' refers to the Rightsholder withdrawing (temporarily removing) or terminating (permanently removing) the Live Public Performance Rights for certain works (e.g. a setlist) for certain performances (e.g. a tour) from the Performing Rights Organisation (PRO) that the Rightsholder has assigned those rights to, and then licensing those rights directly to the User of those rights (promoter/festival/venue).

Direct Licensing live concerts does not impact your other PRO licensing - When the Live Public Performance Rights are withdrawn/terminated, that doesn’t impact on the other 11 Utilisation Categories of Public Performance Rights that the Rightsholder has assigned to the PRO. So even though the Live Public Performance Rights have been withdrawn, the PRO will continue to license radio, TV, online, retail, etc in the usual way (rules can vary depending on PRO in the U.S.).

Income - The Rightsholder will receive more income by Direct Licensing with PACE’s assistance, than they would via the PRO Network. PACE only charges 10% of the license fees received, versus the multiple larger deductions the Rightsholder will suffer licensing through the PRO Network (see diagram below).

Distribution - Once PACE receives the licence fee from the User, we distribute on instruction from the Rightsholder. We can distribute on instruction after receiving the licence fee, resulting in Rightsholders receiving their money much quicker than through the PRO Network.

Transparency - PACE has the most transparent and granular accounting for Live Public Performance Rights anywhere in the world. The Rightsholders will know to the cent/penny per Rightsholder, per work, per concert how much they’ve made, and the calculation that achieved that amount.



As demonstrated by the comparison below, the Licensing and Distribution model of the current PRO Network is convoluted, opaque and inefficient - both in terms of the length of time it takes for the Rightsholders to receive their money, and the deductions made to that money. However, our model solves those issues, resulting in Rightsholders receiving more of their own money, receiving it quicker and transparently.

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PACE have so far successfully assisted Rightsholders to Direct Licence their Live Public Performance Rights in 55 territories on 6 continents:

Armenia / Australia / Austria / Bahrain / Belarus / Belgium / Brazil / Bulgaria / Canada / Chile / China / Croatia / Czech Republic / Denmark / Finland / France / Georgia / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Indonesia / Ireland / Israel / Italy / Japan / Kazakhstan / Latvia / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Malaysia / Malta / Mexico / Moldova / New Zealand / Norway / Philippines / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia / Singapore / Slovakia / South Africa / South Korea / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Taiwan / Thailand / The Netherlands / Turkey / Ukraine / UK / USA



PACE helps manage the entire end-to-end Direct Licensing process for its clients: